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The research interests of current and previous students are listed below. If you are interested in graduate work here, please feel free to contact me. Check out the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Evolutionary Anthropology page for information on our graduate program in evolutionary anthropology. For information about applications see the School of Human Evolution and Social Change website.


Current Students


I am not accepting any new students due to my age.


Former Students


Francisco Gil-White

The evolutionary psychology of ethnicity. Field work in Mongolia. Phd 2001. Formerly Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania. Faculty at Universidad del Medio Ambiente


Joe Henrich

The evolution of group differences, and the evolutionary psychology of prestige. Subsistence ecology. How do people learn to cope with their environments? Norms and cooperation, evolution of religion.Field work in Fiji. PhD 2000. Currently: Professor, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University


Natalie Henrich

The evolutionary psychology of group cooperation.. Do people solve commons problems, and if so how? Field work among Chaldean communities in Detroit. PhD 2001. MpH from Havard School of Public Health 2004. Researcher at Ariadne Laboratories, Cambridge MA.


Michelle Kline
Evolution of technology. The psychology of social learning of technical skills. The role of teaching in cultural transmission. Field work in Fiji. Senior Lecturer, Brunel University.


Stephen Le

Friendship, cooperation, prisoner's dilemma, evolutionary game theory. Fieldwork in Viet Nam. Visting Professor, Department of Biology at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Author of 100 Years of Food


Sarah Mathew

Evolution of cooperation; intergroup aggression and warfare in the context of cooperation in large groups; cultural evolution. Field work in N. Kenya. Associate  Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change


Richard McElreath

Evolution of culture how it has affected human evolution.  Author of Statistical Rethinking. Field work in Tanzania and the Faroes. Professor of Anthropology, UC Davis and Director, Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and Culture
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology


Cristina Moya

Social group categorization. Coalitional and ethnic psychology. Field work in highland Peru. Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC Davis. 


Karthik Panchanathan

Indirect reciprocity. Does selection favor doing good to those who do good. Experiments on reputation and cooperation. Currently teaching at Pomona College. Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri


Jocelyn Peccei

The evolution of menopause. Is menopause and adaptation, and if so why? Has estimated the heritability of age of menopause and the genetic covariation of ages of menopause and menarche. PhD 1999.


Aimee Plourde

Evolution of prestige economies. Why do people invest more resources in showy displays of wealth as political systems become more complex? Archaeological field work in Lake Titicaca region of Peru. University of Sheffield


Adam Wetsman

The evolutionary psychology of mate choice. Do men modulate their preferences according to their own mate value, and why do men care so much about physical attractiveness? Has done extensive survey work with UCLA undergraduates. PhD 1999: Professor Rio Hondo College


Minhua Yan

Fieldwork among the Derung of southern China and mathematical theory.  Both focussed on the evolution of norms.  Currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse.


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